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<trail surrogate-DC6C>

General information

ID 56428
HEX dc6c
Char type
Unicode name <trail surrogate-DC6C>
Extended name <trail surrogate-DC6C>
Unicode group Low Surrogates
Unicode Code Point U+DC6C
Case folding

Conversion (How to escape )

HTML Entity (decimal) &#56428;
HTML Entity (hex) &#xdc6c;
URL Encoded %26%2356428%3B
C / C++ / Java "\uDC6C"
Javascript (UTF-16) "\uDC6C"
Javascript "\u{DC6C}"
Python u"\uDC6C"

How to type

Microsoft Office write dc6c then press Alt + X
Microsoft Office (alternative) write U+dc6c then press Alt + X
Apple Mac Hold Alt, type D C 6 C then release
Apple Mac (alternative) Hold Option, type D C 6 C then release

UTF Encodings

UTF-8 (hex) ED B1 AC
UTF-8 (octal) 355 261 254
UTF-8 (binary) 11101101 10110001 10101100
UTF-16 (hex) 00 00
UTF-16 (octal) 0 0
UTF-16 (binary) 00000000 00000000
UTF-32 (hex) 00 00 00 00
UTF-32 (octal) 000 000 000 000
UTF-32 (binary) 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000


<trail surrogate-DC6C> Low Surrogates Unicode U+DC6C <trail surrogate-DC6C> Low Surrogates Unicode U+DC6C